Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative conducted a mental health survey in Wuse 2 on October 4th, 2023, with 106 participants. The key findings include:

1. Prevalence of Depression: 80% of participants reported suffering from depression.

2. Causes of Depression: The main causes were a lack of funds, loss of loved ones, unemployment, and heartbreak.

3. Coping Mechanisms: Participants used various coping mechanisms, with emotion suppression being the most common.

4. Perception of Mental Health: Diverse perceptions, with some associating it with “madness.”

5. Willingness to Consult Specialists: Mixed responses, with many unsure about seeking professional help.

6. Overall Wellbeing: Most respondents rated their overall wellbeing as good.

The survey highlights a high prevalence of depression, various perceptions of mental health, and a need for mental health education and destigmatization. Efforts to address financial difficulties and loss, promote open discussions about mental health, and encourage seeking professional help are essential to improve mental health in the community. Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative is dedicated to addressing these issues.

Pictures of staff conducting survey
International Day of the Girl Child Outreach Program Waru

About the Author


Silver Lining For the Needy Initiative (SLNI) is an NGO in special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

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