HTS, Parenting, Nutrition, Adolescent and kids clubs activities

HTS, Parenting, Nutrition, Adolescent and kids clubs activities yesterday, one of our adopted communities.

The women were taught the basic tenets of parenting skills and the values of nutrition to their diet for healthy growth and living. Emphasis was made on the need to cultivate vegetables into their daily meals and the intake of fruits and enough water. Free HIV testing and counseling was also carried out.

There was a talk with the adolescent on the importance of life skills and how it pertains to them as adolescents, also having the right association and saying No to bad influence and pressures.
The kids were engaged in fun activities such listening to stories, singing nursery rhymes, and building of their mental skills.

Food Demonstration, Adolescent and kids clubs activities
Day of the Girl Child

About the Author


Silver Lining For the Needy Initiative (SLNI) is an NGO in special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

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