Nigeria remains one of the top contributors to under-5 and maternal mortality rates globally. Contributing factors such as poverty, limited access to medical treatment, shortages of healthcare workers, lack of awareness, and poor hygiene increase the risk of deadly but preventable diseases, making them the primary causes of high mortality rates among infants and mothers. This understanding underscored the urgency to develop a solution to this critical issue in Nigeria.

In 2009, we embarked on this journey with the broad aim of leveraging our resources to support those who, despite their best efforts, cannot help themselves. Over time, this initiative evolved beyond an act of goodwill into a focused mission. We recognized the necessity of a more targeted approach to our philanthropic activities.

In the complex landscape of today’s social issues, a concentrated effort is essential to avoid diluting our impact. We realized that we could maximize our social impact by focusing on the health needs of children, youths, and women in rural communities. This strategic focus has enabled us to save millions of lives, thereby improving the future of rural populations.

With a dedicated area of focus established, we identified the need to expand our programs to include education and empowerment. This expansion has been supported by committed partners, both locally and internationally, allowing us to execute our mission effectively and sustainably.

Our continued collaboration with partners who possess a deep understanding of Nigeria’s needs, framework, and history, along with technical expertise and financial capability, has been instrumental in amplifying the impact of our projects.

We also welcome volunteers who are passionate about making a positive impact and spreading hope. Despite our successes, there is still much work to be done, many communities to reach, and countless lives to save.

Partnerships are vital to our success. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the individuals, corporations, foundations, state ministries, community leaders, staff, advisory board members (past and present), and friends who have enriched SLNI’s programs since 2009.

A simple thank you cannot adequately express our appreciation for your contributions. SLNI could not have achieved its current level of success without your unwavering support. Your dedication to the success of SLNI’s programs, and ultimately to the greater cause of saving lives, continues to empower, inspire, and strengthen our foundation and its initiatives.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to creating a better world, starting with our immediate environment.

Hauwa, Abbas Hadejia

Founder/CEO Silver Lining For The Needy Initiative
