Empowering voices, raising awareness! On October 14, 2023, I had the privilege of representing our organization, Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative, as a guest on the Radio Nigeria program “Radio Link.” The program which was hosted by Mrs. Joy, focused on a crucial topic, “The Girl Child as an Endangered Species,” highlighting the challenges and issues faced by the girl child in the country, as well as exploring potential solutions to address these concerns effectively.


The program commenced promptly at 8:00 am with Mrs. Joy, the host, providing a warm introduction. She briefly outlined the current challenges faced by the girl child in Nigeria, setting the stage for a crucial and insightful two (2) hours discussion. Following this, the host introduced the panel of guests who joined the program:

1. Mrs. Eneh Ede – Gender Advocate

2. Evangelist Ambassador James Kunle Hephzibah – Gender Advocate

3. Miss Emmanuel Lois Dabit – Special Educationist/SLNI Admin Assistant 2


Throughout the program, the following key areas were discussed:

·         Gender Inequality: The panelists delved into the pervasive issue of gender inequality and how it negatively impacts the girl child in Nigeria.

·         Female Genital Mutilation: The harmful practice of female genital mutilation was brought to the forefront, emphasizing the need for its eradication.

·         Assessment of the Situation of the Girl Child in Nigeria: The guests provided a comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced by the girl child in Nigeria, including access to education, healthcare, and protection from various forms of abuse.

·         Addressing Discrimination Against the Girl Child: Strategies for combating discrimination against girls in Nigeria were discussed, including legal measures, awareness campaigns, and community engagement.

·         Role of Education in Empowering and Safeguarding the Rights of the Girl Child: The importance of education in empowering girls and protecting their rights was emphasized. The role of quality education was highlighted in breaking the cycle of inequality.

·         Challenging Traditional Norms and Harmful Practices: The guests explored how traditional norms and harmful practices against the girl child could be challenged and replaced with more progressive values and behaviors.

·         Collaboration of Families, Schools, and Communities: The program discussed how families, schools, and communities can work together to ensure that the girl child has access to quality education and a safe environment.

·         Out of School Girls and School Dropout Rates: The issue of a high number of out-of-school girls and school dropout rates in Nigeria was a focal point, and possible interventions were explored.


During the program, the phone lines were opened, enabling people from across Nigeria to call in and make contributions, share their opinions, ask questions, and express their concerns. The guest panel responded to these submissions and questions, creating an engaging and interactive discussion.


As the program drew to a close by 10:00 am, Mrs. Joy, the host, summarized the key points discussed during the two-hour session. Each guest had the opportunity to provide their final remarks, emphasizing the importance of addressing the challenges faced by the girl child in Nigeria. The program was concluded by the host, leaving listeners with a sense of awareness and a call to action. In conclusion, it was a highly informative and engaging session, shedding light on the critical issues impacting the girl child in Nigeria and the urgent need for collaborative efforts to safeguard their rights and empower them. Our organization, Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative, remains committed to this cause and is dedicated to working toward a brighter future for the girl child in Nigeria. We express our gratitude to Radio Nigeria and “Radio Link” for hosting this essential discussion.

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About the Author


Silver Lining For the Needy Initiative (SLNI) is an NGO in special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

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