CSW68 Virtual Event: Advancing Gender-Transformative Education and Taxation for Equality

On March 20, 2024, a dynamic virtual meeting unfolded as a parallel event at CSW68, featuring influential speakers Vicki Magani, Antara Ganguly, and Karolina Finet. The session delved into critical aspects and actionable insights aimed at propelling gender equality through transformative education and progressive tax measures. Throughout the discourse, a resounding call to challenge entrenched gender norms and stereotypes within education systems and society resonated strongly.

Key Points Discussed:

Gender-Transformative Education: Vicki Magani eloquently underscored the indispensable need for education to transcend conventional gender roles and biases. Her advocacy for holistic educational approaches not only emphasized the delivery of quality learning but also emphasized the imperative to confront societal norms, fostering inclusivity and equality.

Impact of Conflict and Violence on Education: Antara Ganguly poignantly illuminated the devastating repercussions of conflict and violence on education, particularly for vulnerable demographics such as women and children. With a clarion call for universal, safe, and meaningful education, Ganguly advocated for an intersectional approach to dismantle systemic inequalities and address the root causes of oppression.

Tax Justice and Education Funding: Karolina Finet provided a deep dive into the realm of tax justice and its pivotal role in shaping education financing. Her elucidation on the dire consequences of tax abuse, especially in depriving marginalized groups like women and girls of adequate education funding, underscored the urgent need to curb such practices. Finet’s call to action resonated strongly, highlighting the imperative to end tax abuse as a critical step towards mitigating gender disparities in education.

Action Items:

The discussion yielded several actionable takeaways, including:

Leveraging Vicki Magani’s leadership within the Global Campaign for Education to amplify youth engagement efforts in education.

Channeling Antara Ganguly’s insights to challenge gender norms within education and health systems.

Advancing Karolina Finet’s advocacy for tax systems that champion human rights and social justice, particularly through feminist agendas.


The virtual meeting at CSW68 served as an empowering platform for dialogue and collaboration among dedicated stakeholders committed to advancing gender-transformative education and taxation for equality. Participants exchanged profound insights and strategic initiatives, laying a robust foundation for collective action towards an inclusive and equitable education landscape.

One-Day Integrated FERICC/FEMCHIC Meeting

About the Author


Silver Lining For the Needy Initiative (SLNI) is an NGO in special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

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