Gbagalape Community Outreach

On 24th October 2023, Silver
Lining for the Needy Initiative embarked on a heartfelt journey in the heart of
Nyanya, Abuja, to the vibrant Gbagalape community. Our outreach program was
designed to foster a strong bond with the residents, with a special focus
on pregnant women and the entire community. This program, marking the
commemoration of the International Day of Rural Women, unfolded in two parts: a
session at Gbagalape Primary Health Care and a community gathering at the Chief’s Palace.

 Part 1: Gbagalape Primary Health Care Session

– Health Education for Pregnant Women: Provided expectant mothers with information on personal and environmental hygiene during pregnancy.

– Immunization Advocacy: Emphasized
the importance of child immunization for maternal and child well-being.

– Nutrition Talk: Offered guidance
on proper nutrition during pregnancy, including seasonal and functional foods.

– Birthing Kits Distribution:
Distributed birthing kits to support safe deliveries.

 Part 2: Community Engagement at the Chief’s Palace

– Community Women’s Meeting:
Engaged with community women, addressing topics like self-care, environmental
hygiene, water purification, and storage.

– Personal and Environmental
Hygiene: Emphasized proper handwashing and hygiene practices.

– Water Purification and Storage:
Discussed methods for ensuring clean water and proper storage.

– Community Engagement: Encouraged
community participation and answered their questions.

– Supportive Gestures: Distributed
handwashing soap and clothing to community women.


– Poor road network was a
logistical challenge during the program.


– Suggested continuing similar
outreach programs to reach a wider audience.

 The outreach program in Gbagalape
Community was a journey of connection, compassion, and empowerment. It
demonstrated that through knowledge sharing and resource distribution, a
healthier, safer, and more hygienic future can be collectively shaped for the

Abiodun Oluwafemi Micheal

Empowering Girls for the Future

About the Author


Silver Lining For the Needy Initiative (SLNI) is an NGO in special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

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