On 24th October 2023, Silver
Lining for the Needy Initiative embarked on a heartfelt journey in the heart of
Nyanya, Abuja, to the vibrant Gbagalape community. Our outreach program was
designed to foster a strong bond with the residents, with a special focus
on pregnant women and the entire community. This program, marking the
commemoration of the International Day of Rural Women, unfolded in two parts: a
session at Gbagalape Primary Health Care and a community gathering at the Chief’s Palace.
Part 1: Gbagalape Primary Health Care Session
– Health Education for Pregnant Women: Provided expectant mothers with information on personal and environmental hygiene during pregnancy.
– Immunization Advocacy: Emphasized
the importance of child immunization for maternal and child well-being.
– Nutrition Talk: Offered guidance
on proper nutrition during pregnancy, including seasonal and functional foods.
– Birthing Kits Distribution:
Distributed birthing kits to support safe deliveries.
Part 2: Community Engagement at the Chief’s Palace
– Community Women’s Meeting:
Engaged with community women, addressing topics like self-care, environmental
hygiene, water purification, and storage.
– Personal and Environmental
Hygiene: Emphasized proper handwashing and hygiene practices.
– Water Purification and Storage:
Discussed methods for ensuring clean water and proper storage.
– Community Engagement: Encouraged
community participation and answered their questions.
– Supportive Gestures: Distributed
handwashing soap and clothing to community women.
– Poor road network was a
logistical challenge during the program.
– Suggested continuing similar
outreach programs to reach a wider audience.
The outreach program in Gbagalape
Community was a journey of connection, compassion, and empowerment. It
demonstrated that through knowledge sharing and resource distribution, a
healthier, safer, and more hygienic future can be collectively shaped for the